The International Institute of Academic Researches(THEIIAR) is formed to carry on the responsibility of promoting, forming, developing and organizing associations and networks of Chemical, Petroleum, Physics, Biology, Civil, Mechanical, Higher Education professionals, Dental, Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Management, Higher Education professionals, Bio informatics, Bio Technology, Aeronautical, Textile, Environmental and all related Doctors, Engineers and Professors who are in the field of innovation; and to conduct, promote and organize Meetings, Conference, Discussions, Seminars, Workshops, Study tours, Industry visits; and to publish professional Journals, Magazines and Newsletters; and to carry on research and development on the above fields; and to design, develop, market, purchase, sell, import and export any products or materials of any above Higher Education professionals, Science and Engineering field. THEIIAR welcomes all the Academicians, Doctors, Scientist, Engineers Professors, Researchers, Scholars and Higher Education professionals, Technical Engineering Colleges and Universities to join us to exchange information and ideas; in according with our objective to facilitate this, we call upon to network with us. The basic Aims & Objectives for which the THEIIAR is established are:
Promote professional interaction
To encourage regional and international communication and collaboration; promote professional interaction and lifelong learning; recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations; encourage scholar researchers to pursue studies and careers in circuit branches and its applications.
Conferences and Seminars
To organize Lectures, Conferences, Seminars, and Competitions for the betterment of society and to equip one person to face this world in much better/skilled way; To give Scholarships for the needy/under-privileged section of the students for their education, research and developmental activity; also to hold awards to promote education, research and developmental activity in the area of the interest.
Building Like minds
To function and co-operate with other like minded national and International organizations and use their good offices for furthering the objects of the society and serve the community at large.
Promote Science Education
To promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of the theory and practice of all Engineering and Technology fields and related arts and sciences.
Researchers Forum
To bring together Researchers, Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, Scholars and Students in the areas of Higher Education professionals, Dental, Engineering and Technology, and provides a forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas, Research and development, practical experiments, which concentrate on both theory and practices.
Maintaining Professional Integrity
To Encourage and assist the Professors engaged in the above fields to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession and Foster a sense of partnership amongst the Professors, engaged in these fields.