(IFABC 2018)

The International Financial and Business Conference, 2018 is organized by the International Institute of Academic Researches, on October 4th & 5th, 2018. This Conference will cover broad issues on Accounting, Financial and Business Management. It is dedicated to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods.
The aim of IFBC 2018 is to provide a stage for researchers, Scholars, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their latest research results and advanced research methods in Accounting and Financial Management.


The objectives of the conference are as follows:

• To encourage collaborative research and projects amongst institutions of higher learning and industries in addressing the issues of embracing and innovation and creativity;

• To establish networking and relations among the academicians, practitioners, government officials and community; and

• To provide a platform for scholars and practitioners to debate and disseminate research findings undertaken in various topics

The conference mainly focuses but not limited to four broad areas; (a) economics, (b) business, (c) finance, and (d) social sciences. Specific subthemes can be as follows:

• Digital Economy

• Big Data

• Digital Marketing

• E-commerce

• Technology Management

• Accounting

• Banking & Finance

• Behavioural Economics

• Corporate Finance, etc

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTM KL)
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




The training fee includes: All training
packages, lunches, research sessions, training materials, training bag, group photograph.


Deadline for manuscripts submission :30TH JULY. 2018

Deadline for presentation fees payment:10TH AUG. 2018

The final program would be posted:20TH AUG. 2018

The deadline for attendance fees payment:30TH AUG. 2018

The conference day:4TH - 5TH OCT., 2018


Early Bird Registration

Late Registration


350USD 400USD


270USD 300USD

Additional Paper

100USD 100USD

Extra Proceeding



Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received. The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money.

Kindly Note that:

Author: Make a presentation on the conference and the paper will be published on the proceedings/journals.
Presenter: Make a presentation on the conference without paper publishing.
Listener: Participating in the conference only without neither presentation nor paper publication.
* One regular paper registration can cover a paper within 4 pages, the above charges are for the paper upto 4 pages and after that extra charge of USD 30 per additional page will be there and long paper registration cover a paper within 8-15 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
** One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only one proceeding book.

Payment Method

1. Online Payment

2. Pay by Bank Transfer

* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form.

Registration Instruction for Publication of FULL Paper/Abstract

1. If you want to submit a Paper,you are welcomed to submit your full paper to

2. Conference Committee will send out the notification after the review process.

3. Authors whose paper are accepted should follow all the steps listed in the notification form.

4. Send all the required files to us at

5. Your registration will be confirmed if all the files are perfect.

Registration Instruction for Listener

1. If you like to attend our conference as LISTENER then please email us at email id: write the conference name & dates in that email.

2. The conference staff will email you the Registration Form at your email id.

3. Finish the payment of Registration fee by Credit Card or Bank Transfer

4. Send your filled registration form (.doc format) to us at: (Before deadline).

5. Your registration will be confirmed when the registration fee is received.